Lifetime Wealth PortfoliosSM

What do you include when asked to determine the value of your total economic wealth? If you are like most savvy investors, you probably turn to a balance sheet of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate holdings, and retirement savings accounts to calculate your financial net worth. This traditional definition of wealth, however, is incomplete. It overlooks what may be your largest asset – your “human capital”.

Human capital is the value of all your expected future income, including your pension income and Social Security benefits. Our solution evaluates your current income, your savings rate, and your work or retirement situation to determine how large an asset human capital is for you and its affect on your overall asset allocation.

Your human capital should drive insurance selection and asset allocation decisions in pre-retirement and retirement. In pre-retirement, incorporate insurance into your asset allocation to help mitigate risk and enhance the economic value of your portfolio. In retirement, use guaranteed lifetime income products* to hedge against the risk of outliving your retirement savings.

Lifetime Wealth PortfoliosSM

Lifetime Wealth PortfoliosSM is a managed account solution that provides you with all the benefits of a comprehensive investment management service, including objective and independent research, strategic asset allocation, access to an extensive universe of mutual funds, and quality insurance coverage —all tailored to your needs in a simplified approach focused on maximizing value over your entire lifetime.

Several Experts Under One Comprehensive Solution

*Guarantees associated with the products are based upon the claims-paying ability of the issuing company and does not apply to any investments which will fluctuate in value.
Unless otherwise noted, Eagle investment adviser representatives (IARs) act solely in their capacity as insurance agents of New York Life, its affiliates, or other unaffiliated insurance carriers when recommending insurance products.